Problematic Persons Policy

I still am a bit bummed out that I need to write this page, but due to recent interactions online, here's our social media policy regarding "problematic persons".


We usually don't take a public stance on politics / conflicts / causes.  I personally believe that most brands that do, are taking a side in order to co-opt a message, target an audience, and get sales.  Yay capitalism. 

By default, we won't change our name, profile or branding in such a way because it's not about us, it's about the cause, and I don't want to muddy the waters or water down a movement to sell a few pairs of socks.

We are progressive, queer owned/operated and support chosen causes on a personal level.


We have historically liked to follow back to say thanks.  It's also nice to have an incredibly diverse feed.  This will sadly no longer be the case.  Sorry :(

We have not conducted extensive vetting before we followed somebody.  We checked the name and the profile blurb and for telltale signs it's a bot.  If there was nothing problematic, then would will usually follow back if possible.

As a rule, we will no longer be responding in depth to DMs about problematic people.  Some people are just after a tasty screengrab they can take out of context for clout.

If you think we are following somebody we shouldn't, then please submit proof to validate your case.  We will use this information to decide whether or not we will unfollow / mute / block.  We will not tell you about our decision and we will not engage in discourse about said decision.


We cannot prevent persons from purchasing product from our online store.  We cannot control who buys from us, or what they are into, or post about.  Just because someone problematic owns/wears our product, that does not mean we endorse them, or anything they say or do.


We try to contribute to the social media platforms we frequent which means we will comment on posts and reply to other comments.  We do not look into the author of the posts or comments.  Interacting with a person in this way does not constitute endorsement in any way.


We endeavour to avoid posting adult content to our main accounts (barring simple, playful innuendo).  We do have dedicated AD accounts for adult content and we are not ashamed of that.  Adults like to do adult things, and in a dedicated adult space, there is no issue with that.

Minors are welcome to follow our main, SFW accounts.  Please do not follow our AD accounts.  Wait until you are 18, seriously, you've got the rest of your life to be an adult, enjoy your time as a teen and what little innocence you retain. 

Photos of legs and arms in socks and arm warmers with no further exposure or explicit context are not sexual content, if somebody posts photos of their socks, don't be a creep.  Posting a photo is not consent, especially if the person is a minor.  If it makes you feel funny, then that is a you problem, not an excuse to harass.  Block/mute and move on.

We wholeheartedly stand for body and sex positivity and inclusion. 
Enthusiastic consent is mandatory in all aspects of sexuality.

We retain the right to update, edit, delete any and all parts of this policy at any time.